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What to wear & take in the HbOT pod

Sarah Todd
May 27, 2022

Two of the most common questions we get asked at Oxify is 'what shall I wear?' and 'what do you take in the Oxify HbOT Pod with you?' So let us guide you and give you some ideas... We will start with the easiest one:

What to wear

It's simple, anything you feel comfortable in. You're going to be in a small space, not doing a lot or moving around too much, so wear something you can sit comfortably in, most people just wear casual clothes like jeans or sports wear but you can wear whatever you like as long as it's clean, as we like to keep our pods spotless of course.

What can I bring with me

We have seen so many of you bring in things to occupy your time or make you feel more comfortable and we wanted to inspire others to get the best out of their HbOT session, so we have made a list of the things you could do to pass the time or feel most comfortable in the HbOT Chamber.

Depending on your condition or reason for attending an Oxify therapy session we have some ideas and tips for you:

  1. Do you get cold easily? Consider bringing your favourite blanket or wrap up in a 2nd layer so you can relax and feel comfortable
  2. Bring some wired headphones and listen to our Oxify Spotify playlist, we have over 30 hours of podcasts from so many world renowned experts on HbOT to ensure you feel great about what you’re doing. We also have guided meditations, healing frequencies and some other fun stuff on there too.
  3. Had a hard day at the office? Book A lunch time session. Do some deep breathing exercises on our podcast for 15 mins then have a 45 minute power nap. Set your alarm to gently wake you up so you feel refreshed and productive for the rest of the day.
  4. Busy mum/dad with kids? Download your favourite Netflix series or sports catch up and bring an episode to watch in peace & quiet!
  5. Feeling a little stressed lately? Bring your earphones and listen to a guided meditation to take you to a place of peace and tranquility.
  6. Feeling wired and want to be productive? Have a phone clear out and organise your photos, screenshots, emails/apps etc. We advise you have your phone on aeroplane mode.
  7. Download an audiobook before your session and do some breath work whilst you listen to a juicy book!
  8. Bring your latest crochet/knitting/sewing project with you, there’s plenty of space and light to do it in the pod.
  9. Want to change your mindset? Why not start journalling your sessions and keep a diary of your progress and keep us informed. We might even feature you on our case studies.
  10. Coming to roll back the years? Why not try some facial yoga exercises and take a few more off, a fantastic complementary practice for our treatments. There are some great free ones on YouTube.

    Whatever you decide to do in our pod, is totally up to you, but we suggest doing something that makes you feel good so you get the best result possible. Everyone is different, so do whatever works for you. We would love to hear your ideas, so jump on our social media channels and let us know what you would do. Click here for our Facebook page and click here for our instagram or drop us a message directly on our contact us page here

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